PHP Web Development with Laminas

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Considered the next generation of the Zend framework, Laminas is a high-performance PHP framework for creating powerful web applications with an evolutive architecture.
This book takes a hands-on approach to equip you with the knowledge of the Laminas framework necessary to start building web applications based on the reuse of loosely coupled components. You’ll learn how to create the basic structure of a PHP web application divided into layers, understand Laminas’ MVC components, and be able to take advantage of the Eclipse platform as a method for developing with Laminas. Step by step, you’ll build an e-commerce application based on the technical requirements of a fictional business, and get to grips with implementing those requirements using Laminas components.
By the end of this web development book, you’ll be able to build a completely secured MVC application in PHP language using Laminas.
Drive the code, don’t let the code drives you!
A program can controls its users. The developer controls the program.
Write code to work is obvious. But you also have to write code to survive. There is a phrase that warns about the dangerous illusion of excessive work without planning:
“Those all-night programming stints make you feel like the greatest programmer in the world, but then you have to spend several weeks correcting the defects you installed during your blaze of glory“. (Steve McConnell in Code Complete)
I also spent weeks fixing defects generated in moments of glory and correcting defects for which companies had been hired for months without saying what the cause of the problems was.

Some of my books
I have written about Zend Framework since version 1 in Portuguese. I already wrote about Symfony and now I write about Laminas.
I translated some books from English to Portuguese.
I also write science fiction. I have created Atsu Col and Pandino, the Emperor, the protagonists of a dystopian story about a world that rejects electricity and where one of them wants to be the only one to think.
I wrote an unauthorized biography about Rom, the Spaceknight, in six volumes, because I love this character.